Sunday, September 18, 2016

Back to Lima

Today was a sleep in day.  We haven't had many and we won't have many going forward.  So we slept in to about 7 and got up for a late breakfast at the hotel.  This time I opt for an omelette.  Mmmm.  Judith is still taking it easy food-wise as she's done something to irritate her stomach.  White toast is her choice again.  

We decide to take a walk along the hotel's pier.  The water level seems very low.  The rains are scheduled to return in November, but we had also heard yesterday that there wasn't a lot of rain last rainy season due to El Niño.  Coming back, Judith spots the hotel lawnmower, a little lamb and goes to check out the critter.  I leave her because from experience, this could take a while.  

We meet our guide and driver in the lobby and we're soon on our way to the airport to fly to Lima where our Peru adventure began.  The airport is actually an hour away in Juliaca.  The guide is easy going and great to talk with.  We learn a lot of random trivia from our guide such as post secondary education is free in Peru, that he is opposed to the practice of burning off the water reeds to encourage growth, about a giant slide that was closed after operating for two days, that you don't need a building permit to build in Puno, that motorized tuk-tuks have replaced the bicycle carts, etc.  There is a long line up to check in.  The airport is small as it only has two gates.  Judith kills time in the check in lineup practicing her Spanish with the agent.  

Water reeds being burnt off in the distance.  The guide says the practice destroys insects unable to escape the flames.  

Unfinished buildings in Puno.  Most homeowners will finish the 1st floor and then stop until they can save sufficient funds for the next floor.  It seems at least half of the homes have rebar sticking out of the unfinished layers.  

The giant slide in the amusement park that was mothballed after day 2.  Kids were being injured on it.  

A Tuk-Tuk. 

It's our last full day in Peru.  We had talked about doing something in Lima when we landed, but decided to stay close to the hotel since Judith's stomach issues persist and it was late in the afternoon.  Our hotel is attached to the airport via an overhead walkway and was selected as we have a very early flight tomorrow.   There won't be any guide navigating us from the hotel to the security gate; we're on our own for the first time since arriving.  

The hotel room looks out over the airport parking lot.  It has a large and distinctive Coca-Cola sign.  It seems most of the bottled water sold in Peru is the Coca-Cola brand "San Luis".

The hotel is nice.  We get ourselves organized and go for a walk.  There's really no where to walk except the airport and try that a bit.  It's horribly unsatisfying; we decide to go to the hotel bar and cash in the vouchers we got for complementary drinks.  Of course, I'm not a big drinker and Judith is currently off liquor, we both order limonades.  

Judith decides her feet need a pedicure so she goes to the spa.  I can attest to the fact that her feet are now prettier.  We have a light dinner at the restaurant and its off to bed.  

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